St. Harmona

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Good Food 1
Chef 0 101 by Chef
Aug 18, 2008 21:07:45 GMT -5


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St. Harmona
St. Harmona is the richest city in the world. The reason for this is because the King and Queen reside there in a huge castle. The King and Queen are the only rulers in the world, therefore, rule the world. They also had two children, Nanami and Seth and they expect them to be great world leaders some day.

Besides the great food, entertainment and amount of supplies, St. Harmona is well known for the powerful warriors that are born there. No one is sure why but there are a large number of well known warriors originating from St. Harmona. Another mystery of St. Harmona is the crystal that lies in the castle basement. They know it's a crystal, but no one is exactly sure what magic it holds. There are also a number of wolves roaming the castle gates but nobody mentions it. They assume it's nature.
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